Ali Hussein Julood v BP. A new business and human rights case with likely Article 7 Rome II application.

A quick flag of the letter before action in Ali Hussein Julood v BP, a claim relating to gas flaring in Iraqi oil fields. BP is likely to contest jurisdiction under forum non conveniens (a reminder that such defence would be impossible under Lugano and very narrow under Brussels Ia). Information to date is vague however one imagines applicable law may be argued under Article 7 Rome II (and contested by BP as Maran did in Begum v Maran), giving claimants the choice between lex loci delicti commissi or lex locus damni, with for the former the discussion whether it is BP’s company policy with respect to flaring etc that is the real locus delicti.


EU Private International Law, 4th ed. 2023, 4.56 ff.

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